In Need of Change Fellowship Church, Inc., was founded on July 27 2018 by Rev. Dr. Henry Nelson. As a servant of God, he saw the need for change in an angry and hurtful world. Pastor Nelson had a vision of people walking around in a broken state of despair; lost, but seeking something different. The people looked up and saw a building with a neon sign that read, “In Need of Change” and walk into the building. Hence the name of the church, In Need of Change Fellowship.

Religion is born in the mind of man and Christianity is born in the heart of God The Father.

Pastor Nelson believed God gave him that name because he wanted him to build a church that is based on a solid foundation on Christianity, not religion. Pastor Nelson frequently says, “Religion is born in the mind of man and Christianity is born in the heart of God the Father”. Troubled by the misconception and clarity that comes to the gospel that is being preached, he realized the only way that real change will come about is through the teaching of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ which displays God’s love for the people. That’s when the journey began.


At that time it was just five members, Pastor Henry Nelson, First Lady Rosalind Lee-Nelson, Evangelist Joyce Nelson, Catherine Nelson, Debra Nelson, and Anaiah Nelson, After a couple of weeks the ministry continued to grow and within six month we were looking for a bigger place which lead us to 154 Utica ave in Brooklyn NY where we rented out space for a month. After, the Lord open up a door for us to have a full church at our current location, 1036 Winthrop st. Brooklyn NY bet 92nd & 93rd street.

Rev Dr. Henry Nelson understands that as long as he remains sensitive and obedient to the voice of God and allow the Spirit to lead him, God will increase the church and SOULS WILL BE SAVED! We look forward to seeing what the Lord will do in the ministry.



© 2021 In Need of Change Fellowship Church